Cannery Women at Fish Harbor, Terminal Island, 1945. (click image for more) ~ Los Angles Public Library/Shades of L.A. |
| From Catch to Can
1950 OVER 13 MILLION POUNDS OF TUNA were fished in California. Over
half the catch, 7.5 million pounds were drawn from the Los Angeles
harbor. Pulled from a wide radius, the bulk of the fish was processed
at canneries at Fish Harbor on Terminal Island in the San Pedro Bay.
WOMEN PERFORMED THE CENTRAL TASKS IN THE CANNERY. Women employees skinned, boned, and separated tuna meat, or loin before cans were filled, sterilized, packed and shipped. Typically, cannery women were from
recent immigrant families and they had fisherman fathers or husbands
who had come to the area to follow the fish.